On Domain Events, English, and ubiquitous language

I attended a Python meetup last week. The main presentation was a showcase of an "Event System", or how they used messages to share customer data between their ERP and their CRM. Eventually the presentation showed a few actual domain events they use in production. They had German names…

I got in the Framework Mainboard Developer Program

Two weeks ago, I received an e-mail telling me I had been accepted in the Framework Mainboard Developer Program. Framework has a very interesting approach to sustainability in electronics that reminds me of Fairphone, though I don't want to compare them directly. I worked at Fairphone for more than three…


Ah! The joy of looking at a clean slate. Scary. Wondrous. A clean and uncluttered editor helps focus on what matters: the prose. I might come to like this. Surrendering to the thoughts that come to life while keyed on the computer. It is a form of meditation. Enough for…