On Domain Events, English, and ubiquitous language

I attended a Python meetup last week. The main presentation was a showcase of an "Event System", or how they used messages to share customer data between their ERP and their CRM. Eventually the presentation showed a few actual domain events they use in production. They had German names…

Exploring Mainboard housing v1 with cardboard

Yesterday I played around with cardboard to have a better (physical) sense of the first housing version. In short, this housing will be the simplest I can build to fit the Mainboard and an Atreus keyboard. Nothing fancy, not even an internal routing of the USB cable. In the end…

The transportable Mainboard-based computer

As I previously mentioned, my goal for the Framework Mainboard I will receive as part of the Mainboard Developer Program is twofold: build 1) a transportable computer that has 2) a better keyboard. The challenge is mainly about my own lack of experience as a maker. And that I don't…

I got in the Framework Mainboard Developer Program

Two weeks ago, I received an e-mail telling me I had been accepted in the Framework Mainboard Developer Program. Framework has a very interesting approach to sustainability in electronics that reminds me of Fairphone, though I don't want to compare them directly. I worked at Fairphone for more than three…

The cautionary nightmare

I had a dream. Rather, I had a nightmare last night. It went as dreams go, mixing reality and fantasy. When I awoke, completely stressed out for the day before morning light could stream through my window, I decided I would not let the dream happen. Here is the gist.…

More adventures with the NAS

About ten days ago, I received a scary e-mail from the NAS (it has a name by the way, it's called cactus): my boot pool was degraded but still operational. The SSD I added not so long ago to mirror the USB drive actually started to fail.…

Upgrading my NAS to TrueNAS Core

Over the course of the week-end, I (finally) upgraded from FreeNAS 11.3 to TrueNAS Core 12.0. One of the most notable things with the new version is that it is strongly discouraged to use a USB stick as boot drive. Since my NAS has an internal USB port…